Saturday, June 15, 2013

I'm So Excited, I just Can't Hide It

I will now be starting off my posts with a picture of our countdown I have on my phone, so you can all see how close we're getting to our BIG DAY!

This morning, I woke up early even though it was my day off, and rolled around sleeplessly as soon as the clock hit 8am. Damn internal clock and being conditioned to wake up early! I tried not to move around too much so as to not disturb the sleeping giant next to me, however, after a long thirty minutes of forcing my eyes to stay closed, I gave in and decided to wake up. What to do, what to do...ah hah! Wedding stuff of course! I pulled out my trusty lap top, and while still snuggled in bed, I started ticking items off my own personal Wedding-Planning To-Do List, (yes there ARE items that exist aside from the one that I've been following in our Wedding Book). First up on the list, commit and buy a veil already!! We are THREE MONTHS AHEAD, and I still hadn't committed to a veil, either because everything I found was waaay too expensive (we're talking over $200 for something I'm going to be wearing for less than two hours), or not what I was looking for. I had tried on gorgeous veils way last year when I tried on wedding dresses at that fancy boutique at International Mall, which is where I realized that my dream cathedral-length veil did not actually compliment my perferred dress the way I had imagined. The sales woman enlightened me with alternative possibilities, including the beautiful finger-length, chantilly lace-trimmed veil style (Google results HERE). The veil shown below is the right type of style, but the color is a litttle off ;)

This style of veil looked gorgeous with my gown, and wasn't over bearing like the cathedral-length veil, which stole the wedding dress's thunder. I knew I wasn't going to spend $500 on the veil, just like I wasn't going to spend $2400 on the gown I tried on, so I took to the internet to find it cheaper. Months have obviously gone by, and still no veil purchased. Fast forward to this morning, and my tired, morning self started getting frustrated with the fact that everything was so stinking expensive, even on my trusted used wedding sites like the one I bought my wedding dress from. I had read a few DIY tutorials and figured I could just make my couldn't be that hard right?? Well, this proved more difficult than I thought, as I then tried to find the perfect lace to trim said veil with, that wasn't over $10/yard, the right color, and not too wide, not too thin, and the right design that wouldn't clash with the lace detail on my dress. O.M.G.!! I gave myself one more chance to find this dream veil, and wah-lah, a simple google search for "used lace wedding veils" and a few minutes of browsing led me to my dream lace veil on etsy, the most awesome website for anything crafty or wedding related (anything not wedding related as well actually, as that whole site rocks my socks off!). The best part?! It was only $60, with shipping!!!! After my paypal purchase went through, I actually did a happy dance in my skivvies that M was privy to, as he was now awake and alert by this time, and laughing his butt off. If only he knew the joy that comes from finding and buying something you've been searching for for almost a year! Haha

Since I seemed to be on such a roll, I decided to keep going with it, and commit to buying the wedding shoes I had been eyeing for months. I'm not one for buying expensive things, as most of you know, and I have NEVER spent more than $100 on shoes, EVER, not even running shoes! I will wait for a sale, or look for it somewhere else for cheaper. Well, I happened to have fallen in love with a pair of Badgley Mischka's, which are a designer brand that usually ranges in the >$200 range (completely unrealistic for me!). I tried to convince myself that these were not THE shoes, and had also been looking for months for a different pair of shoes, only to keep coming back to this particular pair. Since I still felt great about my veil purchase, I decided to repeat the process, and look one more time to find these shoes for cheap, and wah-lah, a simple google search for them and a few minutes of browsing led me to another one of my favorite sites,, where I stumbled upon a cheap pair of my dream shoes, and decided right then and there that even though they were over the usual $100 budget (not by much though!), I was going to commit and buy them! After my purchase went through, M got to witness my happy dance again (twice in one day, now that's pretty big!).

Don't worry, those aren't my wedding shoes, but close in style, and just as fabulous, if not more! ;)

Now that I had accomplished two items off my to-do list, I was really on a roll, and decided to head back to to look for Vintage Postal Stamps, following the design of my all time favorite wedding invitations off my pinterest board. I had found the idea for envelope liners and vintage stamp collections while browsing through pinterest's wedding boards, and stumbled across this little gem. Check out these beautiful invitations!.

I found an awesome vendor 10 minutes into my search, with vintage stamps that pertained to both Michael and I, which was exactly what I had in mind. I sent him a message with my request and favorites of his available stamps, as well as our needed postage amount. Within a few minutes, he had messaged me back with a custom set of vintage stamps for our wedding invitation envelopes, which will be shipped to me in the next few weeks. Score, another item to check off my to-do if only I could make this wedding-invitation-making happen just as easy, I'd be set. Oh the life of being on a budget and loving to craft, things take time and I must have patience, although my deadline of before July will be here before I know it!! Still doing my happy dance though from all the things I accomplished today, and to add to that happy dance, Michael got his wedding tie in the mail as well, and was able to try on what his outfit may look for me! He looked so handsome, I can't wait to walk up the aisle towards him :)

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