The month of March flew by faster than I could say, "It's my birthday", leaving me to combine last month's To-Do List with April's. But before diving into to our monthly To-Do List, let me fill you in on this last month's fun filled happenings.
On March 25, I turned 25 YEARS OLD!! M surprised me by taking me on a fun filled weekend adventure, starting with a drive to the Orlando Outlets for some birthday shopping, and then a celebratory birthday dinner at Medieval Times! I hadn't been to this fabulous dinner show since I was young, and it brought back great memories, while making new ones with the hubs.
Last month also included the preparations for my upcoming Bridal Shower, which one of my MOH's, the lovely Margaret Williams, is hosting at her parent's house in May. I was so excited to see my bridal party work together to put this celebratory event on, and can't wait to see the fruits of their labor, (and Margaret's fabulous event planning skills) in May! Supposed to be getting the invite soon, which will be my only hint as to how this party might be kicking off!
As you may remember from my last post, March celebrated our SIX MONTH mark in our wedding month countdown! This also meant we needed to buckle down and start getting serious on our Catholic duties that are required in order to marry in the Catholic Church. My parents met with Father Tito, our lovely Priest that will be officiating our marriage (remember him from one of my first posts??). I found a church nearby in Dunedin, which is also co-incidently Saint Michael's, and set up our Pre-Cana classes. Can't wait to start in the next couple of weeks!
Now that we have covered our March madness, we can now explore that month's To-Do List in THE BOOK, my wedding planning bible. Chapter 7: Six Months Ahead, focuses on Guest and Gifts. It features the following To-Do List:
1. Assemble guest list.
2. Plan a bridesmaids' lunch.
3. Register for gifts.
I can say that we are almost done collecting names and addresses of friends and family members from both sides to complete #1 on our March To-Do List. Still waiting on Michael's dad to finish putting their list together, and we should have a pretty good idea of who will be on our completed guest list. There might have to be some revisions to it this month, as we revisit our meager budget, but all in all, we are pleased with who will be there to celebrate our BIG DAY with us, keeping it nice and small, making it more intimate and meaningful for both Michael and I (as well as our guests).
Since I don't live near my bridesmaids, #2 is a bit tricky, however we are covering a great get-together with my special ladies with the fabulous Bridal Shower that is planned for May. During my short stay, even though I will be busy with both my brother's graduations (Theo graduates with his Teaching Credential, and Christopher graduates with his fabulous double majors in Criminal Justice and Philosophy a week a part!), I know I'll see my 'maids, even if we don't do a "bridesmaids' lunch" like the book suggests me to, lol.
The third item listed on our To-Do List has already been slightly covered in a post I published in our Registry section of our Blog Menu. Donating to our Honeyfund is easy, and is through this clever website that lets wedding gifts be given in the form of building up our Honeymoon Get Away in the form of cash, check, or credit card donations. Another gift option has been created however, per my MOH, Margaret's suggestion. M & I have been blessed with a beautiful home full of everything we need, however the outside of this home is lacking in the beauty department. We have decided that guests can help us feather this part of our nest with gift cards for home and garden improvements. We are suggesting Lowe's or Home Depot, however any gift is appreciated :)
#3 on March's To-Do List leads into Chapter 8: Five Month's Ahead perfectly, as this month's chapter covers our Romantic Getaway. This Month's To-Do List includes:
1. Book a honeymoon.
2. Learn to Pack.
3. Obtain a passport or visa.
4. Attend to legal matters.
I pretty much covered #1, #2, and #3 when I discussed our plans for a Honeyfund, and as M and I will be using most of our vacation days (and savings) for our wedding, we are planning our "Romantic Getaway" for our One Year Anniversary. Check out our Honeyfund by clicking on the button below.
The fourth item listed is where things start getting serious. I have decided that I will be giving up my last name of Dykzeul for Michael's more simply pronounced last name of House (yay, finally! Have been waiting all my life for this, no offense Dad). In order to do this upon marriage, THE BOOK states I'll have to "notify government agencies and private institutions of [my] name change, as well as changing contracts, deeds, and stationary". I'll also have "to consult [a] tax advisor, insurance expert, and attorney to discuss the ways being married will affect [my] legal status" (Smolen, Marguerite, and Claudia Gryvatz Copquin. The Bride's Year Ahead: The Ultimate Month-by-month Wedding Planner). Phew, that was a lot of official wording, so I had to make it even more official by citing my source (talk about a flash back to my college days!) Good thing we still have 5 months to accomplish all that!
Getting back to the fun stuff, this month also means it's finally time to start making our Invitations! time to get busy crafting ;)
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